Monday, March 2, 2015

Ways To Market To Insurance Agents

You've written a book, created a seminar or are running a website offering advice and tips to help insurance agents boost their business. The challenge now is to get these agents to buy your book, attend your seminar or become paying members of your website. To do this, you have to market your product effectively to these business professionals.

Understand What They Need

The key to marketing to any group of business professionals, including insurance agents, is to understand what they need. Once you do this, you promote your book, seminar or website as filling this need.

For example, insurance agents work in an extremely competitive field. If your book or seminar contains advice on how agents can set themselves apart from their competitors, be sure to mention this in your print, radio or word-of-mouth advertising.

Many agents work strictly on a commission basis, which means they always need to make another sale. If your website provides them with sales leads, make sure to promote this.

Because many insurance agents work on their own, relying on their own sales to make a living, they may struggle to save enough money for retirement. Perhaps your seminar provides information on how self-employed business professionals can save for retirement. If it does, be sure to promote this aspect; it will be sure to attract the attention of any independent insurance agent.

Be Quick

Insurance agents are always pressed for time. They are constantly focused on making the next sale. Because of this, when you are marketing a product to them, you must be quick and to the point.

If you are trying to attract insurance agents to a seminar, don't make it a long one. Few insurance agents will want to sit through a five-hour business-prospecting seminar. However, if you can condense your seminar into one that lasts one or two hours, you'll be sure to bring in a far greater number of agents.

The same theory holds true when you're trying to sell a book to insurance agents. Most agents are too busy to read a 400-page book. Instead, sell them a 150-page book filled with lists and charts. You'll still be providing them with your information, but you won't be demanding as much of their time. It's easier to market a quick, fact-filled read than it is to ask agents to devote a month to poring through a book that weighs three pounds.

Give Them Something

It may sound silly, but insurance agents--like most business professionals--like free things. If you're trying to market your website to insurance agents, offer to provide two free months of service to any agent who signs up. If you're selling a book, offer to provide a bonus pamphlet of quick business-building tips for free.

If you're marketing your latest seminar, run a special offer: Insurance agents who attend will receive a free e-book on prospecting for new business.

The service or product you're giving away doesn't have to be extremely valuable. It just has to be free.

Tags: insurance agents, agents work, business professionals, your book, your seminar, your website