Thursday, December 11, 2014

Elementary School Summer Reading Programs

Summer reading can be beneficial and fun.

One of the things schoolchildren look forward to is the summer break. Unfortunately, a long break from academics can have a negative impact on children's learning. According to the Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting, the summer break can cause as much as the loss of one month of the skills acquired during the school year. A summer reading program can help students maintain reading levels. Research shows that students who practice reading during the summer have more success when they return to school.


Local libraries encourage students to get library cards and sign up for summer reading programs. Many offer prizes for the number of books read. Not only do these programs help students become familiar with the local library, but they also provide a fun and motivating way to maintain reading skills throughout the summer.

Barnes and Noble

Many Barnes and Noble bookstores offer a summer reading program for elementary school students. The children read eight books of their choice and fill out a "reading passport" which they return to Barnes and Noble before school begins. This passport earns participants one free book from a list of titles.

Barnes and Noble

122 Fifth Ave., Second Floor

New York, NY 10011


Half Price Bookstores

Half Price Bookstores offer the "Feed Your Brain" summer reading program for elementary students. The store rewards readers with a $3 shopping card for each week they read at least 15 minutes a day. This is a completely free program and provides motivation for reading.

Half Price Bookstores

5803 E. Northwest Highway

Dallas, TX 75231

Scholastic Summer Challenge

With this innovative program, children can set a world record for the number of minutes spent reading during the summer. Kids team up with kids from their school to help the school set the summer reading record. The top 20 schools will be featured in the 2010 Scholastic Book of World Records. There also are many prizes and rewards offered for individual readers.

Scholastic Inc.

557 Broadway

New York, NY 10012


Chuck E. Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese pizza restaurants challenge students to read every day. Children are given a two-week calendar and once it is completely filled, children take it to the restaurant and receive 10 free tokens. This reading challenge can be repeated every two weeks all summer.

Chuck E. Cheese

CEC Entertainment, Inc.

P.O. Box 152077

Irving, TX 75015



Many local schools offer summer reading programs and summer reading lists. Sometimes kids might need encouragement to practice reading during the summer when the weather is nice and other activities take priority. Many of these programs are sponsored by local banks and other businesses and offer rewards for summer reading.

Tags: summer reading, Barnes Noble, Chuck Cheese, during summer, Half Price, Half Price Bookstores