Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tattoo Artist Spend A Workday

Qualifications and Training

A tattoo artist spends the majority of the day on his feet. This job requires a steady hand, ability to draw, vivid imagination and the ability to understand complex requests. Most of the training for this job is on-the-job training. Many tattoo shops offer apprentice programs to help the artists learn the intricacies of the job. Under the watchful eye of his trainer, the tattoo artist will draw, outline and color in a specified number of basic, simple tattoos, which varies according to shop guidelines. Once this is completed, the artist may move on to more detailed tattoos.

Equipment Check

At the beginning of the day, a tattoo artist will check all of his equipment to ensure she has everything she needs to tattoo. This includes checking the functionality of her equipment. She will also check the ink levels in all of the wells. At this point, the artist should change out or clean the sanitation equipment. Some tattoo shops use water-based sanitizers. Others use ultrasonic sterilization processes.


When customers come in, the tattoo artist will discuss the customer's request. In some shops, the tattoo artists must send customers who want complex or lifelike tattoos to the artist with the most experience. The artist may use a template to draw the tattoo. Some artists prefer to do all tattoos freehand. The customer has to decide exactly where and how large he wants the tattoo. The area where the tattoo will be placed and the surrounding area must be cleaned. Once this is done, the artist will begin the tattoo, usually by outlining it. After outlining, he will begin to color it in. If the tattoo is complex or large, the artist may take breaks during the tattoo process. When the tattoo is finished, the artist will clean the area, sanitize the equipment and throw away any items that are unable to be reused, such as rubber gloves.

Touch Ups and Cover-Ups

Some customers come into a tattoo shop for a touch up of an old tattoo. Some tattoos fade over time. In this case, the tattoo artist will simply fix the old tattoo. When customers want a tattoo covered up or to change the old tattoo design, the artist will determine if that is possible. If it is, he must then come up with a plan to get the job done.


When the artist doesn't have any customers, she will usually work on new tattoo designs. Many tattoo shops offer thousands of tattoo suggestions as pictures on the wall. In most cases, the tattoos were designed by artists of the shop. During this time, the artist will also work on any specialized or customized tattoos. These include photo tattoos. This time may also be used to clean the shop.

Tags: artist will, tattoo artist will, tattoo artist, tattoo shops, customers come