Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Get The Most Out Of A Day Planner

Get the Most Out of a Day Planner

A day planner can be a wonderful tool to help you manage both your personal and professional lives. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your day planner--and hopefully your days!


1. Choose the sections you need. Some people prefer a calendar where they can view the month over a page or two, and others want to view a week over a page or two. I prefer the latter option because it gives me more room to put my daily to-do list in the planner. There are other options for planners such as business card holders and blank memo pads; think about what you need and get those extras to support your lifestyle.

2. Use a daily to-do list. I like being able to have space in my planner so I can write my to-do list for each day. If you don't need or want that much space to "sprawl out" you can also add in stickie notes to put your daily list on. I definitely recommend being able to have space for a daily list because it helps you see everything you need to do--and enables you to check off items as you complete them.

3. Color code. For the most part, pencil is great because it enables you to be flexible and erase things should your schedule get flip-flopped. But for regular activities or events I like to color code things. For regular appointments I use a red marker and for a particular project I use an orange marker. You get the point. Don't go crazy with color coding, but consider it because it makes it so much easier to keep track of appointments.

4. Choose the right size. If you don't need to take your planner with you, you can get a larger planner since it will remain stationary at work. But if you're on the go a lot, a smaller planner may be easier to fit in your purse or pocket.

Tags: to-do list, able have, able have space, being able, being able have, daily list, daily to-do