Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Office Organizational Communication Theory

Various forms of communication exist within an organization. This includes formal and informal communication. Office organizational communication theory attempts to study the various forms of organizational communication.


Office organizational communication theory is a field of study that looks at the dynamics of interaction between individuals in a company. This study of interaction in an organizational setting helps in studying a company.

Scope of Study

The study of office organizational communication theory studies how the organizational context shapes office communication. Another area of interest for study is how the interaction among individuals shapes the office itself as an organization.


This study of how an office organization works helps researchers understand society better. For one, offices are an avenue for people in society to achieve their economic and social goals. And belonging to an organization such as an office plays a role in shaping a person's experiences.

Tags: organizational communication, organizational communication theory, communication theory, Office organizational, Office organizational communication, shapes office, study interaction