Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bubble Tea Recipe Faq

People who consume bubble tea are curious about its ingredients and make it. One way to get your questions answered is to ask the employees working at bubble tea shops about what goes in the drinks. Add this to my Recipe Box.

What Exactly Is Bubble Tea?

The drink contains tea, milk, a variety of other flavors (like pineapple syrup or orange juice, depending on the recipe), ice and tapioca pearls, which are shaken together before serving.

What Kind of Milk Is Best?

Whatever milk you prefer to drink---soy, skim, low-fat, whole milk or even cream---is acceptable.

Which Teas Can Be Used?

Whatever tea you like---orange pekoe, chamomile or cinnamon---is fine. Tea shops commonly use red or black tea with recipes that have an earthy taste, and jasmine green tea for mixtures that taste fruity.

How Long Do Tapioca Pearls Stay Fresh?

It's recommended that the pearls are consumed within 4 hours of being cooked; by the end of the day they usually aren't very chewy, which is the reason they are added to the tea.

What Are Jellies?

For added texture, some teas are made with slices of cooked coconut meat that are flavored with items like almond or coffee.

Do You Need Carbonation to Make Bubble Tea?

No. Unlike sodas or sparking water drinks, bubble teas aren't carbonated.
