Friday, October 3, 2014

Create An Ebook Marketing Strategy

Just because you've written and produced an ebook doesn't mean it's smooth sailing from here. For here's where the real work begins. There are many aspects to creating an ebook marketing strategy. Neglecting any one could mean the difference between a money spinner and a time waster.


1. Firstly and most importantly, your ebook will need to be hosted on a website with a dedicated sales page that provides information about the book itself as well its price and delivery method. To add credibility to your product, you should consider creating a website dedicated solely to your one book - particularly as domain hosting costs have dropped in recent years. If yours is a self-help or how-to guide, do ensure that you include some customer testimonials on your site.

2. In a perfect world you'll have your own mailing list and newsletter. If not, it might be time to set one up. Studies have shown that marketers must deliver a marketing message at least 5 times before a reader even pays attention.

3. By utilising social networks, such LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, you can promote your ebook virally. Accounts cost nothing to set up, so the only cost involved in social networking is your actual time.

4. And don't forget to E-how your book with some how-tos relating to your book's subject area. In the resources (and on your profile), don't forget to list a link to your ebook website.

5. Enlist some help from affiliate marketers. One company specializing in ebook marketing and selling is Clickbank. They have an army of affiliate marketers able to assist and can deal with payment processing inexpensively. One drawback is the cost of setting up as a publisher with them... But, with a good product and good ebook marketing, you should soon be in profit.

6. Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a good way to increase traffic to your ebook website. While there is a cost involved, it can be an effective way to get the ball rolling in terms of sales.

Tags: your ebook, your book, affiliate marketers, cost involved, ebook marketing, ebook website