Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pick A Top Selling Affiliate Product

If you've been on the Internet any amount of time, then you know that affiliate marketing is an extremely lucrative way to generate income online. It's fairly easy, it can be done with little or no advertising expenses, and a variety of niches can be explored. Picking the right affiliate products to promote is vital to your success. Following these simple steps will help you make the best choices.


1. Select a niche. Using any one of the directories listed below, you can find a variety of categories with products and services that offer free affiliate programs. Niches will include anything from health and fitness to web hosting and telecommunications.

2. Compile a list of affiliate products in each niche that are of interest to you.

3. Evaluate the commission structure of the affiliate programs on your list. Commissions typically range from 5 percent to 40 percent for tangible products and up to 75 percent for digital products.

4. Examine the vendor's payment methods. The more reputable companies will pay you either by check or PayPal. Many more will even pay you through an affiliate network who will, in turn, pay you by check or direct deposit on behalf of the vendor.

5. Look at the vendor's sales page. This is the page that will be viewed by visitors you refer to the parent company. A good sales page will be easy to read and easy to navigate when the customer is ready to make a purchase.

6. See what the competition is promoting. Look up relevant keywords in your favorite search engine and check out the sponsored ads. In many cases, these are ads created by other affiliates. If no one is advertising your chosen affiliate products or something similar, then there may be no demand for them in the market.

Tags: affiliate products, affiliate programs, sales page