Friday, May 22, 2015

Advertise My Computer Repair Business

Computer repair is an outstanding service. Get your business the attention it deserves.

If you're looking to take your computer repair business to the next level, it may be time to start advertising. Fortunately, computer repair services appeal to a wide range of people. As society becomes more dependent on the use of computers, the demand for computer repair services will continue to grow. Whether you specialize in repairing home computers or prefer working with business equipment, your computer repair business can greatly benefit from the right advertising. No matter what your budget, you can find effective ways to advertise your computer business.


1. Distribute fliers. Find local businesses that will allow you to leave a stack of them or hang one inside. Focus on businesses that your target customers will frequent, such as coffee shops, popular lunch spots for professionals, and electronics or video game shops. Leave fliers at community centers, supermarkets and other places that attract large crowds to pick up some other incidental customers.

2. Consider also distributing fliers on a more personal basis. Leave fliers on car windshields or near mailboxes within your business's target area, but be aware that this method of advertising is often considered annoying and may result in few sales. Use your best judgment to determine whether this method would be effective in your area; it's more likely to work in small areas where fewer businesses compete.

3. Get word-of-mouth advertising to raise your business's profile. Provide customers with top service at a reasonable price, and they'll happily recommend you. Honor your word and try to do little things that make your business special, such as performing house calls. Work toward making yourself indispensable to your current customers as a way to draw in new ones.

4. Try out typical advertising venues to draw more customers. Add listings to the Yellow Pages and advertise in newspapers. Consider recording advertisements for radio or television if your budget can support it. Set up a website; people searching online for computer repair in your area are likely to find you, especially if yours is the only computer repair business nearby.

5. Appeal to small businesses with a makeshift "press kit." Search for businesses with 20 employees or fewer, as these are less likely to have in-house IT professionals or computer technicians. Mail them a package notifying them that you'd like to serve their repair needs and invite them to contact you. Include some business cards along with small promotional gifts that will make them think of your business, such as mouse pads or stress balls shaped like computers or hammers. Consider speaking to the manager or owner in person if these businesses have storefronts; making a personal connection will improve your chances of gaining customers.

Tags: your business, computer repair, repair business, your computer, businesses that