Monday, May 11, 2015

Definition Of A Lead Advertising Agency

Lead advertising agencies usually conduct advertising campaigns over the Internet.

A lead advertising agency is contracted by other companies to implement advertising campaigns that are aimed at locating potential clients. An agency's clients can vary widely, or it can specialize in certain markets.

What is a Lead?

When a potential client requests to be contacted, that person is considered a "lead." An Internet lead is when a potential client or customer submits contact information on a web form, according to Active Prospect.

Lists vs. Leads

Although many marketing companies offer lists as "leads," they are actually different than leads. Lists are purchased in large quantities to be processed for direct marketing campaigns, according to Active Prospect. Leads, on the other hand, are potential customers who have proactively requested to be contacted about a product or service.

Cost Per Lead

Cost-per-lead advertising is performance-based advertising that is common in affiliate marketing on the Internet. The advertiser pays only the affiliate or agency for leads generated by the advertisements, according to Active Prospect. On the other hand, with cost-per-click and cost-per-impression advertising, the advertiser still pays despite the lack of tangible results.

Tags: according Active, according Active Prospect, Active Prospect, advertising campaigns, Internet lead, other hand