Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Start A Fundraiser Organization

Start a Fundraiser Organization

Organizing fundraisers can be fun, or they can be a nightmare. Having a clear direction, and enthusiasm for the event planned can mean the difference between a successful fund drive, and a frustrating endeavor.Planning and organization coupled with a keen knowledge of your target market group makes for a successful fund-raising event.


1. Write out a focused mission statement. Clearly defining why you're holding a fund-raising event is the first step you want to take when organizing your fundraiser. Identifying the purpose, or "reason to be" will help determine who your potential donors are, and what will motivate them to contribute to your event. A focused mission statement is the motivating factor used to enlist volunteers, sponsors and donations.

2. Write out a fund-raising plan. locate, attract and enlist potential donors is what your fund-raising plan will address. Which demographic groups will most likely participate in your cause? What are their values? What are their interests?Planning your fundraiser event to match your target group's values and interests serves to create an event environment conducive to your potential donor's sense of community.

3. Identify potential sponsorship opportunities. Local area businesses oftentimes will participate in a fund-raising event. Participation can range from providing a location for your event, to entertainment or help with advertising. Try to make it a win-win situation for both parties. Sharing a portion of the proceeds or providing an additional advertising avenue for the business you are working with may be all the incentive needed to enlist their help.

4. Decide on campaign type. Fund-raising campaigns can center around events, memorials, prize winnings, activities or food. Here is a partial list of campaign types to go by :1. Raffles2. Bake sales3. Car washes4. Auctions5. Dinner parties6. Theater parties7. Big events with celebrity participationWhich ones you choose will depend on how much money you have to work with, and what will most attract your potential donor.

5. Organize locations and times. When and where your fund-raising event is held can make a big difference in how well the event goes. Check your community calendar to make sure no big events are taking place at the same time you plan for your fundraiser. A long awaited football game, or concert can drastically reduce your fundraiser attendance.As far as location goes, try and hold the event in the vicinity of your target demographic group. Be it a park, or local business, or banquet hall--familiar surroundings can serve to increase the comfort level at your event. A comfortable attendee is more likely to make a donation than an uncomfortable one.

Tags: fund-raising event, your fundraiser, your event, your potential, your target