Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Send Bulk Emails To Advertise Your Business

Email marketing is an effective way to advertise your business.

Advertising your business through email marketing is an effective, measurable way to reach out to a large group of potential customers. Sending bulk emails to advertise your business allows you to send a marketing message that promotes the products or services you offer. While there are risks, like receiving spam complaints, if planned strategically, a bulk email campaign can generate higher visibility and sales for your business.


1. Create a customer profile that outlines the characteristics of your target consumer. Include everything from demographic, psychographic and geographic data in it. Identify your target market's buying behaviors, and describe how your product or service can work to add value to their lives. This profile will help you as you try to collect names and search for lists to rent for your bulk email campaign.

2. Determine whether you should send your bulk email campaign to businesses or consumers. This decision largely depends on the types of products and services you offer. If you provide marketing consultant services, you'll likely want to email fellow business owners, but if you offer a product like aprons, you 'd generally target consumers.

3. Search for websites that you think your target market might frequent based on the profile you created. Contact their advertising departments to see if they offer list rental opportunities for your bulk mailing. Often, list rentals will be in the form of placing an advertisement within a company's email broadcast. If you're not sure where your potential customers go for their online news and information, work with a list broker to help you find pre-qualified lists to rent for your bulk email campaign. You can find list broker's on sites like FindLists.com and TheDirectMarketingSearch.com. You can build your own list through sites like Hoovers.com.

4. Review the lists suggested by your broker. Your broker will give you a data card that gives you the details of the lists, including demographic, psychographic and geographic information. The details may also reveal buying habits of the individuals on the lists. Select a list based on how closely it fits your target market profile and if the cost to mail to the list is within your marketing budget. If you opt to build your bulk mailing list on your own, be sure to use the details on the target market profile you created to help you build a quality list.

5. Design an email advertisement you can use to promote your business. Submit the advertisement to the list owner or, if you created your own list, find an email marketing program, like MailChimp or Vertical Response, to send your bulk email campaign. Determine a way to evaluate the success or failure of your bulk email campaign.

Tags: your bulk, bulk email, bulk email campaign, email campaign, your bulk email, target market, your target