Friday, December 4, 2015

Examples Of Common Hr Functions

Working in human resources requires excellent interpersonal skills.

The HR, or human resources, department of any company focuses on factors that affect the members of staff. HR employees must build and maintain excellent relationships across all levels of the company and ensure good channels of communication. The department is usually headed by a manager or director who reports to senior management, and a team that works under her.


Members of the HR team will devise suitable strategies for attracting the best candidates to fill vacant positions within the company. They may design and place advertisements in publications themselves or work with an outside agency to do so. The HR department will also conduct interviews and other selection procedures. The nature of these procedures will be formulated amongst the team to ensure consistency.


For all employees of a company, the HR department will conduct an ongoing review process. These reviews, often performed annually, will address the employees' performance and integration into the company, as well as any queries or concerns they may have.


The HR department is also responsible for the implementation of dismissal procedures where necessary. HR staff must ensure that procedures follow the correct legal considerations and provide any platforms for appeal or redundancy remuneration.


Beyond the performance aspect of employee reviews, the HR department also oversees the general welfare of employees. This includes ensuring all employees are up to date with health and safety procedures, that they are aware of significant changes in company policy and, sometimes, organizing staff social functions.


Members of the HR team must remain aware of all changes in employment law to ensure that their company's practices comply. Legal issues include health and safety, maternity and paternity rights and equal opportunities for people with disabilities.

Tags: department also, department will, ensure that, health safety, human resources, Members team