Friday, October 9, 2015

Configure Dns Integration In Active Directory

When configuring a website on any computer with Active Directory enabled as your website host, carefully follow these steps to ensure performance of big website files are properly loaded for efficiency and production.


1. Open the DNS snap-in from the Administrative Tools program group.

2. Right-click the icon for the local DNS Server, and select Properties. Click the Seurity tab. Notice that you can now specify which users and groups have access to modify the configuration of the DNS Server. Make any neccesary changes, and click OK.

3. Expand the local server branch and the Forward Lookup Zones folder.

4. Right-click the name of the Active Directory domain you created, and select Properties.

5. On the General tab, verify that the type is Active Directory-integrated and that the Data is Stored in Actve Directory message is displayed. If this option is not currently selected, you can change it by clicking the Change button next to type.

6. Verufy that te Allow Dynamic Updates? option is set to Only Secure Updates. This ensures that all updates to the DNS resource records database are made through Authenticated Active Directory accounts and processes. The other options are Yes (to allow both secure and nonscure dynamic updates) and no (to disallow dynamic updates).

7. Finally, notice that you can define the security permissions at the zone level by clicking the Security tab. Make any neccesary changes, then click OK,.

Tags: Active Directory, dynamic updates, Make neccesary, Make neccesary changes, neccesary changes, select Properties