Monday, October 5, 2015

Advertise A Home Business Successfully

Track all of your advertisements to make sure they are profitable.

There are many tips on advertising a home business successfully. Use advertising media that best target people who use your products or services. For example, advertise in health or bodybuilding magazines if you sell fitness products or vitamins via the Internet. Develop a budget for your advertising based on an amount you can afford. Start your business slowly or part-time, if necessary. Increase your advertising gradually as your profits grow. Understand that repetition in advertising can increase response rates. For example, radio listeners may wait until they hear or your ad several times before responding.


1. Select the types of publications that best target the customers in which you want to reach. Advertise in "Home Business" or "Small Business Opportunities" magazine, for example, if you are trying to recruit other distributors for your network marketing business. Advertise your home business through major search engines like Yahoo or Google if you run an Internet business from home.

2. Deliver your home business advertising message in a clear, concise manner. Write print advertising copy in language that the average eighth-grader can understand, for example. Tell customers precisely about your products and how they can order or get more information about them.

3. Be persuasive in all of your advertising messages, according to Use the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) principle in conveying your message. Attract the attention of your readers with a strong magazine headline, for example. Build the interest of your readers with convincing copy. Tell your readers how your products can help them lose weight or improve their computer skills, for example. Use convincing language that increases the customer's desire for your products so they actually buy them.

4. Respond to people who write or call you in a timely manner. Mail a sales letter and brochure immediately to people who inquire about your mail order gift baskets, for example. Call those who left a message on your voice mail the same day. Sell customers on your products or services in addition to advertising them. Tell customers why they will benefit more from your products and services versus those of your competitors.

5. Include incentives in your advertising to get people to respond or order right away. Use phrases like "Save 25 percent if you order within the next 10 days."

6. Test all of your advertisements so you can determine whether or not they are profitable. Insert a key into each classified ad, for example. Use a key such as "Dept. 12EN" in your address to track December responses to your "Business Opportunities" magazine ad, for example. Record the names and addresses of people who respond to each print ad. Keep track of each of these people who order. Compare your sales from each ad to the actual cost of the ad. Continue to advertise in publications or other media that is profitable.

7. Advertise in more publications or mail more catalogs if these advertising methods are profitable. Pyramid your advertising profits into more sales. Start with a $100 classified ad, for example, in January. Calculate your profits from that ad. Invest $200 in classified ads in February, for example, if your January classified ad elicited $400 in orders. Keep spending more money on advertising to reach a higher sales volume.

Tags: your products, your advertising, products services, your products services, your readers, about your