Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tools For Marketing Ebooks

E-book sales can lead to people paying to attend your seminars.

E-books are one of the fastest-growing and most profitable Internet sales categories on the market today. Writing and publishing an e-book is a quick and inexpensive way to demonstrate your expertise in an area. Once a buyer purchases your e-book, he is more likely to buy other products and services, such as private consulting sessions or seminars, from you. There are several key Internet channels available to grow your e-book sales.

Free Articles

Free articles are a highly effective way to create excitement for your e-book and entice customers to purchase. You can submit articles to the top e-zine article publishing sites and publish articles about your book on your own website. Don't submit exactly the same article to every site to avoid lower page rankings. Try to make each article as relevant to specific niches as possible. For example, if you are publishing an e-book about refurbishing old cars and submitting to an e-zine focused on transmissions, provide a few tidbits about very specific transmission issues.

Social Media and PR

By responding to a reporter's expert request, you can gain free publicity for your e-book.

Use viral marketing through Facebook business pages and announcements in LinkedIn and Linked groups that are related to your topic. You should also keep tabs of what reporters are looking for on the Help a Reporter Out website. Simply sign up under your areas of expertise. Then watch the listings and respond to the reporters who want the information you have. Send them information-rich clips to get their interest.

Affiliates and Collaborators

By collaborating with fellow marketers, you each can increase sales.

Affiliate programs, such as the ones offered at ClickBank, are another good way to market your e-book. However, keep in mind that the affiliate directory programs are crowded with members, so you may have to offer commissions of up to 75 percent to get affiliates. A more cost-effective way might be to offer to collaborate with a fellow Internet marketer to sell each other's products reciprocally. For example, let's say you offer an alternative-health tips book and you find someone who sells supplements online. You could offer to sell through each other's newsletters and email programs.


Blogs can promote e-books just as ezine articles do, as long as the information is pertinent to the reader.

Use blog posts just like e-zine articles. Find well-read blogs in your topic area, and offer a guest blog submission about some point from your e-book that the blog's readers would find valuable. Always think in terms of practical information that the reader can put to use immediately. For example, suppose you wrote an e-book about become a Spanish wine distributor, and you are submitting an article to a fine wine lover's blog. You could blog about a hard-to-find fine Spanish wine and the best places and times to find it. Your goal is to be seen as a valuable source of information. Always think, "What would make me want to buy from me?"


Videos add an extra dimension to e-book marketing.

YouTube offers an added dimension to e-book marketing because you can demonstrate a technique from your book. Many people learn better by seeing something done, rather than reading about it. A video clip gives your potential readers the opportunity to see what you do, or to hear advice or tips from you or your satisfied e-book purchasers. If you have gotten media attention, you may even be able to put links to your interview on your site.

Tags: your e-book, from your, Always think, dimension e-book, dimension e-book marketing, each other, e-book about