Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Take A Joomla Site Offline Permanently

When using Joomla to set up a website, there are many settings you can alter to suit preferences. For example, change the search engine optimization settings, site name and turn the website off so it is not available online. This is useful if you are going to be away from your website for a while or cannot update it for some reason and don't want visitors to access the site. After you turn the site offline, it will remain offline permanently unless you change the site settings later.


1. Log in to your Joomla super administrator account. After you sign in, you will be directed to the administrator menu.

2. Click "Global Configuration" from the menu options. Edit metadata information to optimize your search engine ranking and site settings here.

3. Look to the "Site Settings" section of the "Global Configuration" page to locate the "Site Offline" option. Check the box next to "Yes" to turn the site offline.

4. Enter a message in the "Offline Message" form if you want to give your visitors a reason for why your site is offline. Choose to use the default message, or not leave a message there at all.

5. Click the "Save and Close" button located in the menu at the top, right corner of the page. If you pull up your website now, you will see that it is offline. The site will remain offline permanently until you change the site settings.

Tags: site settings, change site, change site settings, Global Configuration, remain offline, remain offline permanently, search engine