Monday, June 22, 2015

Pr Communication Tools

PR uses media to communicate information about clients to the public.

Public relations (PR) professionals communicate information to a public on behalf of a client, with the intent of influencing public perception about that client. Individuals and organizations use PR to gain public favor or enhance reputation. Public relations rely on mass media and other communication tools to understand public sentiment and to disseminate information to the public. Successful public relations communication covers the five W’s: who, what, when, where and why.

Press Release

Press releases are communication intended for the news media announcing a story that is newsworthy. The goal of a press release is to attract media interest in the topic, so journalists will cover the story. Press releases are typically written documents that follow a standard format that includes client information, headline and subhead, lead and contact information.

Press Kit

A press kit is a package of resources that cohesively communicate information about an organization or individual, event or other topic of interest. Press kits may include a letter of introduction, press release, press coverage, company history, photos or other documents that support the topic of communication.

Company Website

Organizations often use the company website as a tool for communicating with the public, disseminating information about events, new services or other topics of public interest. In some cases, an area of the website is specifically designated for PR communication and may include press releases, online press kits and other traditional PR tools in digital format.

Social Media

PR professionals may use social media as a research tool to understand public sentiment about a client or topic, as well as a communication tool to convey information to the public. Social media, such as online communities, provide PR staff with insight about public response, emotion or opinion while also providing an opportunity to communicate directly with the public on behalf of a client.

Tags: communicate information, information about, information public, behalf client, communicate information about, documents that