Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Advertising Ideas Targeting The Elderly

Elderly Couple

Targeting your advertising by age group can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and result in increased sales and profit. The elderly have different product needs and reference points than younger generations. The goal when advertising to the elderly is to reach them with age-appropriate references without being offensive, insensitive or patronizing.

Media References

Media references from popular TV shows and radio programs from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s are effective references for targeting the elderly. These media references are familiar and bring fond memories of youthful times that reflect positively on the product you are advertising.


According to a study listed on the Ball State University website, seniors enjoy ads that feature elderly individuals with a sense of humor and cleverness. Clean, relevant humor can be age specific or generalized to reach a wider audience. If you can make an elderly individual smile at your advertisement, she is more likely to remember your product when making purchases.


Packaging is the first line of advertising. Create your packaging with larger lettering and information targeted for an elderly audience. Highlight packaging that is easy to open. These targeted packages will be more attractive to elderly clients with vision problems or arthritis.

Patriotic Themes

Elderly individuals have lived through tragic wars and worldwide political upheaval that has instilled in them a higher level of patriotic feelings. Tie into these feelings by advertising your products with a patriotic vibe or message.


Avoid portraying the elderly as out of touch, ridiculous or unattractive. These stereotypes are offensive to the elderly and may cause you to lose existing clients, both young and old.


Grandchildren enjoying time with their grandparents is a popular image for elderly individuals. They are reminded of fond times with their grandchildren and will associate those feelings with the images and products that you are advertising.

Traditional Jobs

Feature hard-working individuals in more traditional jobs like farming, industry and nursing. The elderly relate to more established job functions easier than white-collar jobs like banking and programming.

Niche Marketing

Niche marketing to the elderly can be very effective. Target hobbies such as sewing, model trains, fishing and golf that are popular with elderly individuals. Since a higher percentage of readers or viewers in niche markets are elderly, every advertisement can be more effective.

Offline Advertising

While many elderly individuals have joined the Internet revolution and regularly send emails and view information online, there are many who are unfamiliar with computer technology. Try to target most of your advertising to offline venues like television or print advertising to reach a wider elderly audience.

Tags: elderly individuals, your advertising, advertisement more, elderly audience, individuals have