Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ideas For Marketing Taglines

An effective marketing tagline or slogan is one that instantly reflects the personality of your company, service or product in the minds of potential consumers or clients. Some companies choose to stick with a slogan for an extended period of time, sometimes decades, to reflect brand perseverance and continuity. Other firms opt to switch out their taglines on an annual or biannual basis to keep the perception of their product or service fresh.

Survey Your Target Audience

Don't fly blind when creating your new tagline. While you or members of your staff may think that you've created an effective idea, don't automatically assume it jibes with your target market. Conduct market research to gauge consumer perception of your product. This can be as ornate as market testing and surveying to simple interaction with clients. Many people create slogans and nicknames for products, services and establishments in social circles. Drawing on some of these ideas not only signifies that your organization is in touch with its consumers, but can also attract new customers eager to discover what the buzz is about. Survey the taglines of your competition to gauge whether the taglines they use are effective.

Keep It Simple

Taglines are intended to be just that---lines. The general rule is to stick to three to five words, although a few firms have been successful with one-word taglines. Try to use words or phrases with a concise number of rhythmically flowing syllables that people associate with your product, establishment or service. While rhyming can often be conceived as corny or contrived, it can be effective if used properly. The main thing is to not let your tagline drag on. Consumers have short attention spans. If your tagline is too lengthy, they will probably move on to exploring the tagline or product of your competitor before they even finish reading.

Be Original

Like most trends, advertising is cyclical. Once you have narrowed down your list of potential taglines to a few, do your due diligence to insure it's an original idea that hasn't been used before. Originality is also key. Many small businesses use traditionally popular taglines and adopt them as their own. If consumers see that you're unable to create your own original catchphrase, chances are they'll have the same perception of your business.

Tags: your tagline, perception your, taglines your, with your, your product