Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Evaluate Advertising

Evaluate Advertising

Evaluating advertising campaigns requires tracking and analyzing various brand recognition options, including website traffic and print ads. Keeping track of advertising results remains vital to even the smallest business. Evaluate what advertising works for your products using the following methods.


1. Evaluate website traffic. Study the statistics on the tracking page offered by your web host. Using these numbers, evaluate the who, where and when of your prospect and customer base. Determine which parts of the website and advertising campaign elicit the most results and tailor future advertising from the findings.

2. Position your brand advertising to entice leads. From website and brochure checklists that offer more information to direct calls for action on websites and in television commercials, develop advertising methods that employ diverse methods to attract customers.

3. Develop a 1-800 phone number. If your company offers different products or services, use a different number for each one. You can use an extension number for each product to save on the cost of a separate 1-800 number for each product. Evaluate the callers' locations, spending patterns, interests and the call volume at specific times.

4. Monitor brand recognition among prospects. Research target groups before the campaign to evaluate goals. Then keep track of respondents who request information, contact sales reps or purchase items. The sales staff needs to bring more prospects into the fold with brand recognition, regardless of whether they buy.

5. Offer coupons for products or services. Determine the time and target customer group and distribute only to one consumer demographic or use an all-inclusive approach. Include a request for consumer information to acquire detailed information about customers.

6. Compile a list of direct response goals. If you use direct mail sales pieces, keep a list of prospects and follow-ups. Evaluate response rates (rate of return) and calculate the number of leads from each version and geographic region. Adjust future mailings according to response patterns.

Tags: brand recognition, number each, each product, Evaluate Advertising, number each product, products services, website traffic