Monday, September 22, 2014

The Salary For A Newspaper Advertising Sales Rep

The newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishing industry ranked as the second largest employer for advertising sales representatives as of May 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Newspaper publishers in particular employed roughly 19 percent of all advertising sales reps in the United States, paying these individuals to sell space on their pages and in their classifieds sections.


Advertising sales representatives working for newspaper publishers earned an average of $20.44 per hour or $42,510 per year as of May 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries for reps at newspaper publishers were nearly 9 percent less than the mean rate of pay for representatives across the newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishing industry, which was $22.43 per hour or $46,660 per year. In addition to their wages, advertising sales reps at newspapers often receive commissions based on a percentage of the fees for the ad spaces that they sell. They may also receive bonuses for achieving or exceeding sales goals.

Overall Comparison

Throughout all industries, advertising sales representatives made an average of $26.45 per hour or $55,020 per year as of May 2010, states the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. At that rate, representatives working in the newspaper industry made nearly 23 percent less than the mean rate of pay for the occupation. The average rate of pay across all sales and related occupations was $17.69 per hour or $36,790 per year, roughly 13 percent less than the average earned by advertising sales reps for newspapers.

Comparison to Information Industries

Newspaper publishers were one of the lowest-paying employers for advertising sales representatives in the information services sector of the economy as of May 2010, explains the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Only telecommunications providers outside of wired communications, such as cellular phone companies, paid advertising sales reps less at an average of $17.40 per hour or $36,180 per year. Advertising sales representatives at newspapers made 38 percent less than the mean rate of pay in the highest-paying information industry, other information services, which includes Internet broadcasting and transmission. Salaries for advertising sales reps in this industry averaged $33.00 or $68,640 per year.

Comparison to Other Industries

The largest employer of advertising sales representatives in the United States as of May 2010 was advertising firms, which sell ad space and develop campaigns for numerous companies. Salaries for representatives at advertising firms averaged $29.66 per hour or $61,690 per year, roughly 45 percent more than the average earned by newspaper advertising sales representatives. Salaries for advertising sales representatives at newspapers did exceed those in the travel accommodations and food service industry, where representatives earned an average of just $18.82 per hour or $39,140 per year.

Tags: sales representatives, hour year, advertising sales reps, sales reps, advertising sales, advertising sales representatives