Monday, September 29, 2014

Write A Letter Requesting A Job Back

Whether you've made a hasty decision to quit or become disenchanted with a new job, obtaining an old job can be a daunting task. If you were fired or laid off from your prior job, the challenge can grow even fiercer. Still, there are times when it can be worth sending a letter requesting to work for a past company. With a few practical tactics and some common sense, you can position your request in the best light for approval.


1. Begin your letter with respect. Address the letter formally ("Dear Ms. Simon") rather than casually ("Hey, Joe").

2. Include an opening sentence stating when you held the job. For example, say, "As you may remember, I held the position of Marketing Analyst for Smith Innovations from May, 2006 until June, 2007."

3. Note one positive memory of your past time working for the company. Try to choose something that you accomplished while there. For instance, state, "I still think fondly of working with the editing team first quarter to prepare our SmithTech software release for launch."

4. Refer briefly to your reason for leaving without laying blame. Make statements like, "I reluctantly left Smith Innovations to gain experience in management at Jones Productions," or "I received notice of my layoff from Smith Innovations during deep budget cuts in 2007."

5. State your desired position. Opt for stating a position type (for example, "marketing analyst") rather than naming a specific title ("Senior Marketing Production Analyst") , as it may increase your chances of placement.

6. Acknowledge that you may need to apply for the position and are willing to do so through approved channels.

7. Offer a new and added benefit to rehiring you. Cite any recent degrees or certifications, and relevant work experience at other companies, using specific examples.

8. Include a resume with your letter and reference your inclusion of it.

9. Close your letter warmly. Thank the recipient for his time and wish him well. Type your closing comments followed by a comma ("Sincerely,") and leave four carriage returns.

10. Type your name and print your letter. Use blue or black ink to sign your name in between the closing and your typed name.

Tags: your letter, Smith Innovations, rather than, Type your, your name